Few things are more refreshing than a cold drink on a hot day, but the ice you take out of your freezer may appear cloudier than the ice you see at a bar or restaurant. Is the cloudy ice still safe to consume or is there something wrong with it?
Cloudy ice is safe to consume, and it is not bad for you. Cloudy ice results from the freezing process, in which air molecules in the water are pushed inwards as the ice freezes from the outside. So, the cloudiness is just air, and it is perfectly safe to eat.
If this is ice that you’ve made at home with an ice tray in your freezer, then you likely have no reason to worry as you know the quality of the water that went in to make the ice is good.
So, let’s discuss what causes ice to become cloudy and when it’s safe to consume murky-looking ice. I’ll also teach you how to recognize unsafe ice cubes and give you some tips on making your ice look clear.
Is Ice From Cloudy Tap Water Safe To Consume?

Of course, you should always make sure you’re using the best quality water available to you when you make anything that you plan to consume. Tap water contains more impurities than bottled or distilled water. Tap water with impurities makes ice less likely to be clear and more likely to appear cloudy. However, these impurities aren’t necessarily harmful.
Ice from cloudy tap water is safe to consume since the cloudiness comes from minerals such as calcium and magnesium that can be beneficial. These minor impurities can make your tap water appear cloudy, which will, in turn, pass on to your ice cubes.
It’s normal for tap water to be cloudy at first due to air bubbles in the water as it comes out of the tap, but if you leave it to sit for a moment, it should clear by itself after a minute or two.
If it wouldn’t clear, this could be a sign that the water isn’t safe to drink or make ice cubes. If your water doesn’t clear after a minute, there may be an issue with your water supply, and you should contact your water supplier as soon as possible.
Why Do My Ice Cubes Appear Cloudy?

Ice is usually white in the middle because ice in your freezer freezes the ice from the edges inwards. As the ice freezes the air bubbles in the water are pushed towards the center where they get stuck. These bubbles make the ice appear white and cloudy.
The faster your ice freezes, the more these air bubbles seem to get trapped. Most home freezer units also freeze their contents very quickly. This process will make the center of your homemade ice cube appear cloudy in the middle. This ice is perfectly safe to consume.
If you use carbonated water then the CO2 gas in the water will escape as the ice freezes making extremely cloudy ice cubes as you can see below. However, the cloudiness again is just an abundance of air bubbles. The cloudy ice is completely safe to eat, chew on and put in your drinks.

Cloudy ice may be safe, but it can sometimes have a slightly musty flavor that can spoil the taste of your favorite drink. The air bubbles trapped inside the ice cube can contain odors and flavors from your fridge and freezer.
Cloudy ice also tends to melt faster than clear ice due the air bubbles making it less dense and increasing its surface area. This can sometimes make clear beverages like water or vodka taste not as nice. You may prefer to make clear ice for a better taste or even just for aesthetic reasons.
Clear ice isn’t necessarily healthier or safer than cloudy ice it is just frozen in a different way and melts slower, leading to the ice diluting your beverages less. Clear ice is also usually made with distilled water which can make the ice taste better to some people.
I recommend this Brita Basic Faucet Water Filter System on Amazon for an affordable and reliable water filter. Filtered water has fewer impurities and will maintain its clarity better during the freezing process so you’re likely to end up with clearer ice.
It still won’t be crystal clear unless you freeze it omni-directionally (usually from the top down) using something like a cooler to insulate the walls of the ice and forcing it to freeze from the top down. This pushes the air bubbles down as it freezes.
I’ve done an entire guide about how to make crystal clear ice easily at home.
Are Cloudy Ice Cubes From an Ice Machine Safe To Consume?

Many at home ice machines make ice that appear white and incredibly cloudy. Is this ice safe to consume?
Cloudy ice cubes from an ice machine are usually safe to consume ass. While some ice machines produce highly transparent ice, others may freeze water as quickly as possible, which increases the number of bubbles inside each cube.
Commercial ice machines can produce more transparent ice than home-frozen ice. Many commercial ice machines constantly spray water against a cold metal plate. This forces the cubes freeze in layers from the bottom up rather than from the outside in like in your freezer. This process means many of the air bubbles are pushed away and do not appear in the ice.
Of course, a lot of this depends on the type of ice machine. Machines that freeze water quickly, such as a the Opal Nugget Ice Maker produces cloudy ice, although it is still perfectly safe to consume.
When Is Ice Unsafe To Consume?

Cloudy ice by itself may be perfectly safe to consume. However, there are other signs that you should watch out for.
Ice is unsafe to consume if it smells foul or is discolored. Do not consume ice with a bad smell or strange colors since something may have contaminated it, like bacteria or fungus.
So, let’s take a closer look at these signs of unsafe ice cubes:
Foul-Smelling Ice
Ice cubes should be relatively free from any odors. However, if you notice that your ice is smelling bad, this could signify that it’s accumulated some bacteria or other harmful impurities.
Most domestic refrigerators have a single evaporator, which means that air moves between the food section of the freezer and the ice maker. This ventilation system can cause your ice to pick up the smell of whatever food is in the freezer. To fix this, always clean your ice collection bin regularly.
If your ice tastes bad but your water is fine chances are your ice is simply absorbing bad smells and odors from your fridge and freezer. To fix this get an easy release ice cube tray with a cover so the ice is not exposed to the air as it freezes.
If you notice that your ice cubes are coming out any color other than white, gray, or clear, there could be a problem with your water supply. Check your tap water, and contact a plumber if you need to.
If you haven’t cleaned your ice tray for a while, your ice cubes could be picking up harmful bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella. These bacteria can still live on cubes, even after they’re frozen. Make sure you’re cleaning your ice tray regularly, and if you notice your ice is off-color or smelly, then it’s better to be safe than sorry and throw this ice out to avoid getting sick.
Why Do Cloudy Ice Cubes Sometimes Taste Better?

Some people prefer the taste of cloudy ice cubes over clear ice cubes and feel they taste better. This is why products like the Opal Nugget Ice Maker have become so popular in people’s homes. But why do cloudy ice cubes taste better?
Cloudy ice cubes taste better because the chewy texture is extremely satisfying and it is light and airy, much like the crushed ice in snow cones. Some cloudy ice cubes have sugar in them to make them more cloudy but also sweeter and more delicious.
Most nugget ice makers make ice by first creating flaked ice and then compressing it into nugget sized ice cubes. How nugget ice makers work is actually really fascinating.
Why Do Ice Makers Make Cloudy Ice?

Chances are your ice maker at home makes white cloudy ice. But why is this the case when bagged and restaurant ice is completely clear?
Home ice makers tend to make cloudy ice due to the freezing process. Impurities in the water as well as small air bubbles get trapped in the ice making the ice appear white.
Commercial ice machines often either contain filter systems or the water has been filtered and removed of impurities before entering the ice machine. This leads to clearer ice as well as better tasting ice.
Cloudy ice might not look as pure as clear ice and can sometimes taste slightly different, but it’s perfectly safe to consume under normal circumstances. There are some simple methods for making your ice clearer at home, such as boiling it to ensure it freezes slower or using water from a purer source to eliminate minor impurities.
However, make sure your ice doesn’t have any strong odors or discoloration, as this could be a sign that bacteria have contaminated your ice, and you should throw this away before consuming it.