Is The Yeti Sidekick Dry Discontinued?

The Yeti SideKick dry is Yeti’s dry bag accessory that attaches to their soft sided Hopper coolers. It can also be use separately as a dry storage pouch.

But with recent stock issues and certain colors being unavailable you may be wondering is the Yeti SideKick Dry discontinued?

While Yeti have discontinued the old zippered version of the SideKick dry as well as some colors of the newer version the SideKick dry is NOT being completely discontinued. It is one of Yeti’s best selling accessories. From time to time supply issues put it out of stock but you can ask to be notified when it comes back in.

See the latest price of the Yeti SideKick Dry at
(or compare to the price of the Yeti SideKick Dry at Amazon)

Yeti is constantly updating the lineup of cooler colors they have on offer. They usually have a couple of always available standard colors and they also release limited edition colors that only last for a short period of time.

The same is true for the SideKick Dry.

The Yeti SideKick Dry usually has 1-2 standard colors that are always available and every ow and then they release a limited edition color that is only available for a short period of time.

However, even the standard colors change from time to time and Yeti has been known to phase out older standard colors and replace them with newer ones.

Yeti Has Discontinued Two Tone SideKick Dry Colors

Recently Yeti discontinued it’s range of two tone SideKick Dry colors. Notably the Green/Tan which has been around since Yeti first introduced the SideKick Dry as well as the Grey/Dark Grey.

These colors used to match the old Yeti Hopper coolers which were made in similar colors. But as Yeti has now updated it’s range of Hopper coolers, with the release of the Yeti Hopper M30, it makes sense that they have also updated the colors of the SideKick Dry to match.

The new Yeti SideKick Dry comes in Charcoal as well as Navy (which has charcoal sides).

See the latest price of the Yeti SideKick Dry at
(or compare to the price of the Yeti SideKick Dry at Amazon)

The Original Sidekick Dry Was Discontinued

When the SideKick Dry was first released it has a zipper instead of the magnets and velcro it has today.

The original SideKick Dry came in Grey/Blue and Green/Tan but were discontinued years ago when Yeti released their newer SideKick Dry designs.

Both the old version and the new version are both waterproof but the new version is much more durable as the zipper was prone to breaking on the older one.

You can still pick up the old Yeti SideKick Dry on eBay or you can also get them here on Amazon, but they are generally more expensive than the new ones and in my personal opinion they aren’t quite as good.

Supply Line Issues Have Meant Some Yeti Products Are Out of Stock

Unfortunately, Yeti aren’t perfect at keeping everything in stock and things often go out of stock and are unavailable for months at a time.

I was talking to the owner of my local fishing store and he was lamenting about how Yeti can be very difficult to deal with when getting stock.

He’s had customers waiting for months for certain coolers and personally when I tried to order an Yeti Rambler Kid’s Bottle from this store it took about 3 months for the product to come in.

The problems with trade wars as well as the global pandemic of COVID-19 has also lead to huge supply problems with multiple companies including Yeti.

Given Yeti soft coolers are made in China it makes sense that supply has been interrupted and products have gone out of stock.

The SideKick Dry is made in China along with the rest of Yeti’s soft cooler products and drinkware line.

But out of stock isn’t the same as discontinued and if the Yeti SideKick Dry is out of stock at the moment it will likely be back in stock in the near future.

The Sidekick Dry Is One Of Yeti’s Best Selling Soft Cooler Accessories

The Yeti SideKick Dry is one of Yeti’s best selling accessories and one of the few good accessories they make for their soft sided Hopper coolers.

So it’s highly unlikely that Yeti would completely discontinue one of their best selling products.

One of the biggest problems with Yeti soft sided coolers is that they don’t have any pockets to store things in on the outside of the cooler. This is something Yeti Hopper alternatives all seem to have.

The SideKick Dry is the perfect waterproof pocket to add to the outside of your cooler and Yeti make a lot of money selling them as an add on extra to their cooler line.

Given how big the company is and how profitable the SideKick Dry is likely to be it’s extremely unlikely that Yeti will ever discontinue it.

Where Is The Best Place To Buy The Yeti Sidekick Dry? – Buy or Get Notified

My favorite place to buy my Yeti gear (other than my local store…who I try to support) is Yeti’s own website.

On their website Yeti have every product and there are even some “ exclusive” products or colors available.

If stock is available this is a good place to buy the SideKick Dry.

I like buying from as I know the product will be 100% authentic and I know I won’t be overpaying.

See the latest price of the Yeti SideKick Dry at – Some Stock Left

Often when Yeti’s own website is out of stock Amazon will still have a few items left in stock.

As I write this Yeti has been out of stock for quite a while but Amazon still have stock of each of SideKick Dry colors. They even have the limited edition Coral color in stock.

However, they are more expensive than the ones on Yeti’s website. But when stock is abundant this isn’t always the case and Amazon is often the same price as Yeti’s website or sometimes even cheaper.

See the latest price of the Yeti SideKick Dry at Amazon

Ebay – Stock Often Available, Older Stock Too

If you’re not having any luck on Yeti’s website or on Amazon then you can go over to Ebay and you’re almost guaranteed to find stock available on there.

As I’m writing this I did a quick search on Ebay and there was 57 listings for Yeti SideKicks.

Some of them are older versions and a lot of them were discontinued colors, but there were also some of the current colors available too.

The downside of Ebay is you’re generally going to pay a bit more than you would from Yeti or Amazon, but if you’re desperate and want it now you can go ahead and grab one.

See the latest prices and stock of Yeti SideKick Dry Bags at Ebay

Your Local Store

Sometimes you can get lucky and while the SideKick Dry might be out of stock online your local store may have some stock left.

Even today as I am writing this the Yeti DayTrip Lunch Bag is completely out of stock in all colors online. However, my local fishing store still had 2 in stock.

I was able to buy the Yeti DayTrip in charcoal from them for the same price I would pay online but it was actually in stock.

Unfortunately though they didn’t have any SideKick Dry’s left in stock but I know they had them a few months ago.