10 Best Ways To Make DIY Ice Packs At Home

If you only need ice packs for the odd camping trip or perhaps you have an injury to ice, spending money on ice packs can be avoided. You can make DIY ice packs by filling a plastic bag with your…
If you only need ice packs for the odd camping trip or perhaps you have an injury to ice, spending money on ice packs can be avoided. You can make DIY ice packs by filling a plastic bag with your…
Ice packs are extremely helpful items, especially for hardworking adults or adventurous children. If you need lots of ice packs in your home, you can use a couple of household items to make them yourself. To make a homemade ice…
Salt ice packs made with PVC pipe are a great way to keep your cooler cold for longer. They are reusable and can be made to the exact size of your cooler, making them the perfect addition to your next…
One of the best (and cheapest) ways to pack your cool and keep things cold for longer is to use ice packs. Unlike loose ice, ice packs don’t make everything wet when they melt and you can also reuse them…
Ice packs are great to keep food or drink cold or to apply to injuries but sometimes ice packs from your freezer aren’t quite cold enough. You can make ice packs much much colder than a home freezer and in…
Making your own gel ice pack can be quick, easy and cheap and can be a great way to treat injuries or to keep your lunch cold. Often they can be made with items you already have laying around your…