Ryan McLean

Ryan McLean

I'm Ryan McLean, the guy behind Hunting Waterfalls. Most weekends you'll find me at the beach or off on some random adventure. But when I'm not I'm here writing about coolers, water bottles and other outdoor gear to make your adventures even better. I love researching the latest products and answering people's questions about them. Over the last few years Hunting Waterfalls has grown to become one of the most comprehensive websites on insulated products and other cool gear. You can also check out the Hunting Waterfalls YouTube Channel where I do ice retention tests and product reviews or you can follow me on Instagram and see what my latest adventure is.

Can You Cut a Duraflame Log In Half?

I love using a Duraflame log to light a fire and chase away the chills on a cold winter’s night. They’re a great alternative to firewood in many cases because they’re safer, cleaner, and can be more cost-efficient. They are…